Copaiba 15ML

Primary Benefits

  • Promotes healthy skin.

Aromatic Description

Spicy, woody

Collection Method

Steam distillation

Plant Part

Resin from Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea, and langsdorffii

Main Constituents


Original price was: RM223.00.Current price is: RM168.00.

Copaiba 15ML




Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the copaiba tree which can grow upwards of more than 100 feet and can be found in tropical South America. Copaiba oil is widely used in cosmetic products including soaps, creams, lotions, and perfumes. Since the 16th century, copaiba essential oil has been utilized in traditional health practices by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil. Copaiba can be applied to the skin to promote a youthful look. Copaiba can be added directly to the mouth to cleanse the gums and oral cavity. Copaiba contains the highest levels of β-caryophyllene (BCP) among currently known essential oils. An irregular sesquiterpene, BCP is a potent constituent within copaiba essential oil.



  • Apply topically combined with a carrier oil or a facial moisturizer.
  • Swish with two drops of Copaiba and one drop of Peppermint to freshen the breath and promote oral cleanliness.
  • Apply two to three drops and cover with Deep Blue® Rub to soothe sore, tired muscles after strenuous activity.
  • Mix equal amounts of Copaiba and Fractionated Coconut Oil and apply to restore stressed skin.
  • Add one drop of Copaiba to your daily doTERRA HD Clear® Facial Lotion application to improve the appearance of the skin.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.

Topical use: Dilute one to two drops with a carrier oil, then apply to desired area. See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.






  • 可搭配基底油或脸部保湿霜涂抹于脸部。
  • 在漱口水中加入两滴的古巴香脂精油和一滴的薄荷精油漱口,可清新口气并促进口腔清洁。
  • 在剧烈的运动后,将二至三滴的古巴香脂精油涂抹于肌肤上,接着使用舒缓复方乳霜,以舒缓酸痛及疲劳的肌肉。
  • 将等量的古巴香脂精油以分馏椰子油稀释后涂抹于肌肤上,舒缓紧绷的肌肤。
  • 于清肌乳液中加入一滴的古巴香脂精油于日常护肤中使用,可减少瑕疵,保持肌肤洁净靓丽。







  • 促进肌肤健康










Copaiba boleh disapu pada kulit untuk menggalakkan penampilan kulit yang muda. Selain itu, ia juga boleh diguna dalam mulut untuk membersih gusi dan rongga mulut. Copaiba mengandungi kandungan β-caryophyllene (BCP) yang paling tinggi di antara minyak-minyak esensial yang ada di pasaran sekarang. BCP merupakan sejenis seskuiterpena tidak teratur dan unsur yang kuat di dalam minyak esensial copaiba.


  • Sapu secara topikal bersama minyak pembawa atau pelembap muka.
  • Mencantas dua titis Copaiba dan setitis Peppermint untuk menyegarkan nafas dan meningkatkan kebersihan mulut.
  • Sapukan dua hingga tiga titis pada bahagian badan yang sakit atau ke atas otot letih selepas melakukan aktiviti yang kuat.
  • Campurkan Copaiba dan Fractionated Coconut Oil dalam jumlah yang sama dan sapukan pada kulit untuk menenangkan kulit yang tertekan.
  • Tambahkan setitis Copaiba dalam aplikasi doTERRA HD Clear® Facial Lotion anda untuk memperolehi penampilan kulit yang lebih berseri.

Manfaat Utama

  • Menggalakkan pertumbuhan kulit yang sihat

Gambaran Aromatik

Spicy, woody

Metod Pengambilan

Steam distillation

Bahagian Tumbuhan

Resin from Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea, and langsdorffii

Bahan Utama


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